Column | Type | Size | Nulls | Auto | Default | Children | Parents | Comments | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||
seedlot_number | varchar | 5 | null |
The unique number (key) assigned to a quantity of seed of a particular species and quality from a given location collected at a given time. |
seedlot_status_code | varchar | 3 | null |
A code which represents the current status of a lot. |
applicant_client_number | varchar | 8 | √ | null |
A sequentially assigned number which uniquely identifies a Ministry client (applicant). |
applicant_locn_code | varchar | 2 | √ | null |
A code to uniquely identify, within each client (applicant), the addresses of different divisions or locations at which the client operates. The location code is sequentially assigned starting with “00” for the client´s permanent address. |
applicant_email_address | varchar | 100 | √ | null |
Email address of client applying to register the Seedlot |
vegetation_code | varchar | 8 | √ | null |
A code which represents a species of tree or brush. |
genetic_class_code | varchar | 1 | √ | null |
A code which represents the Genetic Quality of material (seed or cuttings). “A” class represents superior Orchard produced seed or cuttings. “B” class represents naturally collected seed or cuttings. |
seedlot_source_code | varchar | 3 | √ | null |
A code to indicate if an Orchard Seedlot is from tested Parent Trees, untested or custom. |
to_be_registrd_ind | bool | 1 | √ | null |
An indicator which represents whether a Seedlot is intended to be registered for crown land reforestation use (“Y” yes) or not (“N” no). |
bc_source_ind | bool | 1 | √ | null |
Indicates whether the source of the Seedlot is within British Columbia |
collection_client_number | varchar | 8 | √ | null |
A sequentially assigned number which uniquely identifies a Ministry client (collection). |
collection_locn_code | varchar | 2 | √ | null |
A code to uniquely identify, within each client (collection), the addresses of different divisions or locations at which the client operates. The location code is sequentially assigned starting with “00” for the client´s permanent address. |
collection_start_date | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null |
The actual start date (year, month, and day) that the cones (source for seedlots) were collected. |
collection_end_date | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null |
The actual end date (year, month, and day) that the cones (source for seedlots) were collected. |
no_of_containers | numeric | 6,2 | √ | null |
The number of containers (sacks of cones) that were collected. |
vol_per_container | numeric | 6,2 | √ | null |
The volume of cones, in hectolitres, that were collected per container (as reported on the cone collection form). |
clctn_volume | numeric | 6,2 | √ | null |
A code which represents the number of trees that the Seedlot was collected from. |
seedlot_comment | varchar | 2000 | √ | null |
A free format text field used to enter general comments for a Seedlot. |
interm_strg_client_number | varchar | 8 | √ | null |
A sequentially assigned number which uniquely identifies a Ministry client (interm storage). |
interm_strg_locn_code | varchar | 2 | √ | null |
A code to uniquely identify, within each client (interm storage), the addresses of different divisions or locations at which the client operates. The location code is sequentially assigned starting with “00” for the client´s permanent address. |
interm_strg_st_date | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null |
The actual start date (year, month, and day) when the cone was stored during interim storage. |
interm_strg_end_date | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null |
The actual end date (year, month, and day) when the cone was stored during interim storage. |
interm_facility_code | varchar | 3 | √ | null |
A code which represents the type of facility where the seed was stored during interim storage. |
female_gametic_mthd_code | varchar | 4 | √ | null |
Code that describes the female gametic contribution method code for a Seedlot. |
male_gametic_mthd_code | varchar | 4 | √ | null |
Code that describes the male gametic contribution method code for a Seedlot. |
controlled_cross_ind | bool | 1 | √ | null |
Indicates whether the lot was produced through controlled crosses. |
biotech_processes_ind | bool | 1 | √ | null |
Indicates if biotechnological processes been used to produce this lot. |
pollen_contamination_ind | bool | 1 | √ | null |
Indicates if pollen contamination was present in the seed Orchard |
pollen_contamination_pct | int4 | 10 | √ | null |
The proportion of contaminant pollen present in the seed Orchard. |
contaminant_pollen_bv | numeric | 4,1 | √ | null |
The estimated Breeding Value of the contaminant pollen in an Orchard. |
pollen_contamination_mthd_code | varchar | 4 | √ | null |
Code that describes the pollen contamination method. |
total_parent_trees | int4 | 10 | √ | null |
The total number of parents contributing to the Seedlot. |
smp_success_pct | int4 | 10 | √ | null |
The estimated success (percent) of the supplemental mass pollination mix on the Parent Trees in the Orchard. |
effective_pop_size | numeric | 5,1 | √ | null |
The calculated number of parents contributing to the Seedlot, representing the genetic variety. |
smp_parents_outside | int4 | 10 | √ | null |
The number of Parent Trees from outside an Orchard used in the supplemental mass pollination mix. |
non_orchard_pollen_contam_pct | int4 | 10 | √ | null |
Non-orchard pollen contamination (%) for the Seedlot. |
extractory_client_number | varchar | 8 | √ | null |
A sequentially assigned number which uniquely identifies a Ministry client (extractory). |
extractory_locn_code | varchar | 2 | √ | null |
A code to uniquely identify, within each client (extractory), the addresses of different divisions or locations at which the client operates. The location code is sequentially assigned starting with “00” for the client´s permanent address. |
extraction_st_date | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null |
The actual start date (year, month, and day) when the seed was extracted from the cones. |
extraction_end_date | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null |
The actual end date (year, month, and day) when the seed was extracted from the cones. |
temporary_strg_client_number | varchar | 8 | √ | null |
A sequentially assigned number which uniquely identifies a Ministry client (storage). |
temporary_strg_locn_code | varchar | 2 | √ | null |
A code to uniquely identify, within each client (storage), the addresses of different divisions or locations at which the client operates. The location code is sequentially assigned starting with “00” for the client´s permanent address. |
temporary_strg_start_date | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null |
Commencement date of temporary Seedlot storage. |
temporary_strg_end_date | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null |
End date of Seedlot temporary storage. |
declared_userid | varchar | 30 | √ | null |
The userid of the individual that declares the following: - that the information is true and correct - that they are the owner of the lot or are authorized by the owner(s) to submit the Seedlot application. |
declared_timestamp | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null |
The date and time that the following were declared by the declarer: - that the information is true and correct - that they are the owner of the lot or are authorized by the owner(s) to submit the Seedlot application. |
entry_userid | varchar | 30 | null |
The userid of the individual that entered the Seedlot. |
entry_timestamp | timestamp | 29,6 | null |
The time and date a Seedlot was entered onto the system. |
update_userid | varchar | 30 | null |
The userid of the individual that changed the Seedlot. |
update_timestamp | timestamp | 29,6 | CURRENT_TIMESTAMP |
The time and date a Seedlot was last updated on the system. |
revision_count | int4 | 10 | null |
A counter used to ensure data integrity. This item should be incremented during each update. |
interm_strg_locn | varchar | 55 | √ | null |
The location where the tree seed was stored during interim storage. Can be used if users did not enter a registered client data. |
seed_plan_unit_id | int2 | 5 | √ | null |
A unique identifier which is assigned to a Seed Planning Unit. |
bgc_zone_code | varchar | 4 | √ | null |
The Biogeoclimatic Zone of the Seedlot collection area. |
bgc_subzone_code | varchar | 3 | √ | null |
The Biogeoclimatic Subzone of the Seedlot collection area. |
variant | varchar | 1 | √ | null |
A division of biogeoclimatic information, with multiple variants in a BGC Subzone. |
bec_version_id | int2 | 5 | √ | null |
A sequence generated identifier for each BEC version. |
elevation | int2 | 5 | √ | null |
The representative elevation in meters where the seed lot originated, which is also the mean area of use elevation for natural stand lots. For orchard seed lots it is a weighted average of the contributing parent trees source elevations. |
latitude_degrees | int2 | 5 | √ | null |
The representative latitude (degrees) where the seed lot originated, which is also the mean area of use latitude for natural stand lots. For orchard seed lots it is a weighted average of the contributing parent trees source latitudes. |
latitude_minutes | int2 | 5 | √ | null |
The representative latitude (minutes) where the seed lot originated, which is also the mean area of use latitude for natural stand lots. For orchard seed lots it is a weighted average of the contributing parent trees source latitudes. |
latitude_seconds | int2 | 5 | √ | null |
The representative latitude (seconds) where the seed lot originated, which is also the mean area of use latitude for natural stand lots. For orchard seed lots it is a weighted average of the contributing parent trees source latitudes. |
longitude_degrees | int2 | 5 | √ | null |
The representative longitude (degrees) where the seed lot originated, which is also the mean area of use longitude for natural stand lots. For orchard seed lots it is a weighted average of the contributing parent trees source longitudes. |
longitude_minutes | int2 | 5 | √ | null |
The representative longitude (minutes) where the seed lot originated, which is also the mean area of use longitude for natural stand lots. For orchard seed lots it is a weighted average of the contributing parent trees source longitudes. |
longitude_seconds | int2 | 5 | √ | null |
The representative longitude (seconds) where the seed lot originated, which is also the mean area of use longitude for natural stand lots. For orchard seed lots it is a weighted average of the contributing parent trees source longitudes. |
collection_elevation | int2 | 5 | √ | null |
The representative elevation in meters of the Seedlot collection area. For orchard seedlots it is a weighted average of the contributing parent trees source elevations. |
collection_elevation_min | int2 | 5 | √ | null |
The representative minimum elevation in meters of the Seedlot collection area. For orchard seedlots it is a weighted average of the contributing parent trees source elevations. |
collection_elevation_max | int2 | 5 | √ | null |
The representative maximum elevation in meters of the Seedlot collection area. For orchard seedlots it is a weighted average of the contributing parent trees source elevations. |
collection_latitude_deg | int2 | 5 | √ | null |
The representative latitude (degrees) of the Seedlot collection area. For orchard seedlots it is a weighted average of the contributing parent trees source latitude. |
collection_latitude_min | int2 | 5 | √ | null |
The representative latitude (minutes) of the Seedlot collection area. For orchard seedlots it is a weighted average of the contributing parent trees source latitude. |
collection_latitude_sec | int2 | 5 | √ | null |
The representative latitude (seconds) of the Seedlot collection area. For orchard seedlots it is a weighted average of the contributing parent trees source latitude. |
collection_latitude_code | varchar | 1 | √ | null |
A code which specifies whether the exotic origin latitude is north (N) or south (S). |
collection_longitude_deg | int2 | 5 | √ | null |
The representative longitude (degrees) of the Seedlot collection area. For orchard seedlots it is a weighted average of the contributing parent trees source longitude. |
collection_longitude_min | int2 | 5 | √ | null |
The representative longitude (minutes) of the Seedlot collection area. For orchard seedlots it is a weighted average of the contributing parent trees source longitude. |
collection_longitude_sec | int2 | 5 | √ | null |
The representative longitude (seconds) of the Seedlot collection area. For orchard seedlots it is a weighted average of the contributing parent trees source longitude. |
collection_longitude_code | varchar | 1 | √ | null |
A code which specifies whether the exotic origin longitude is east (E) or west (W). |
elevation_min | int2 | 5 | √ | null |
The minimum elevation of the seedlot area of use. For lots from natural stands, this is calculated using the transfer limits. For lots from tested parent trees (orchards) either use Seed Planning Unit minimum or the collection latitude. |
elevation_max | int2 | 5 | √ | null |
The maximum elevation of the seedlot area of use. For lots from natural stands, this is calculated using the transfer limits. For lots from tested parent trees (orchards) either use Seed Planning Unit minimum or the collection latitude. |
latitude_deg_min | int2 | 5 | √ | null |
The minimum latitude (degrees) of the seedlot area of use. For lots from natural stands, this is calculated using the transfer limits. For lots from tested parent trees (orchards) either use Seed Planning Unit minimum or the collection latitude. |
latitude_min_min | int2 | 5 | √ | null |
The minimum latitude (minutes) of the seedlot area of use. For lots from natural stands, this is calculated using the transfer limits. For lots from tested parent trees (orchards) either use Seed Planning Unit minimum or the collection latitude. |
latitude_sec_min | int2 | 5 | √ | null |
The minimum latitude (seconds) of the seedlot area of use. For lots from natural stands, this is calculated using the transfer limits. For lots from tested parent trees (orchards) either use Seed Planning Unit minimum or the collection latitude. |
latitude_deg_max | int2 | 5 | √ | null |
The maximum latitude (degrees) of the seedlot area of use. For lots from natural stands, this is calculated using the transfer limits. For lots from tested parent trees (orchards) either use Seed Planning Unit minimum or the collection latitude. |
latitude_min_max | int2 | 5 | √ | null |
The maximum latitude (minutes) of the seedlot area of use. For lots from natural stands, this is calculated using the transfer limits. For lots from tested parent trees (orchards) either use Seed Planning Unit minimum or the collection latitude. |
latitude_sec_max | int2 | 5 | √ | null |
The maximum latitude (seconds) of the seedlot area of use. For lots from natural stands, this is calculated using the transfer limits. For lots from tested parent trees (orchards) either use Seed Planning Unit minimum or the collection latitude. |
longitude_deg_min | int2 | 5 | √ | null |
The minimum longitude (degrees) of the seedlot area of use. For lots from natural stands, this is calculated using the transfer limits. For lots from tested parent trees (orchards) either use Seed Planning Unit minimum or the collection latitude. |
longitude_min_min | int2 | 5 | √ | null |
The minimum longitude (minutes) of the seedlot area of use. For lots from natural stands, this is calculated using the transfer limits. For lots from tested parent trees (orchards) either use Seed Planning Unit minimum or the collection latitude. |
longitude_sec_min | int2 | 5 | √ | null |
The minimum longitude (seconds) of the seedlot area of use. For lots from natural stands, this is calculated using the transfer limits. For lots from tested parent trees (orchards) either use Seed Planning Unit minimum or the collection latitude. |
longitude_deg_max | int2 | 5 | √ | null |
The maximum longitude (degrees) of the seedlot area of use. For lots from natural stands, this is calculated using the transfer limits. For lots from tested parent trees (orchards) either use Seed Planning Unit minimum or the collection latitude. |
longitude_min_max | int2 | 5 | √ | null |
The maximum longitude (minutes) of the seedlot area of use. For lots from natural stands, this is calculated using the transfer limits. For lots from tested parent trees (orchards) either use Seed Planning Unit minimum or the collection latitude. |
longitude_sec_max | int2 | 5 | √ | null |
The maximum longitude (seconds) of the seedlot area of use. For lots from natural stands, this is calculated using the transfer limits. For lots from tested parent trees (orchards) either use Seed Planning Unit minimum or the collection latitude. |
smp_mean_bv_growth | numeric | 4,1 | √ | null |
The breeding value for the Growth trait calculated from the supplemental mass pollination mix applied to parent trees. |
area_of_use_comment | varchar | 2000 | √ | null |
Comments on Seedlot area of use. |
approved_timestamp | timestamp | 29,6 | √ | null |
approved_userid | varchar | 30 | √ | null |
mean_geom | geometry | 2147483647 | √ | null |
The 3D mean geom of parent trees. |
bgc_zone_description | varchar | 120 | √ | NULL::character varying |
The description of the BEC zone. |
Constraint Name | Type | Sort | Column(s) |
seedlot_pk | Primary key | Asc | seedlot_number |