
0 rows


A list of valid codes indicating the methods used in a seed Orchard to estimate the female or male component of gamete contributions to a Seedlot.


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
gametic_methodology_code varchar 3 null
seedlot.female_gametic_mthd_code seedlot_female_game_mthd_cd_fk R
seedlot.male_gametic_mthd_code seedlot_male_game_mthd_cd_fk R

Code that describes the gametic contribution method code for a seedlot

description varchar 120 null

A description for the affiliated code.

female_methodology_ind bool 1 null

A flag that indicates if the methodology is female or not.

pli_species_ind bool 1 null

A flag that indicates if the methodology can be used by a PLI species or not

effective_date date 13 null

The effective date the code is in effect

expiry_date date 13 null

The date the code expires on.

update_timestamp timestamp 29,6 null

The date and time of the last update.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
gametic_methodology_list_pk Primary key Asc gametic_methodology_code
