
0 rows


A table listing the individual Parent Trees that contributed to the Supplemental Mass Pollination mix of an Orchard Seedlot (Genetic Class = “A”).


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
seedlot_number varchar 5 null
smp_mix_gen_qlty.seedlot_number smp_mix_gen_qlty_smp_mix_pk R
seedlot.seedlot_number smp_mix_seedlot_fk R

The unique number (key) assigned to a quantity of seed of a particular species and quality from a given location collected at a given time.

parent_tree_id int4 10 null
smp_mix_gen_qlty.parent_tree_id smp_mix_gen_qlty_smp_mix_pk R

A unique identifier for each Parent Tree.

parent_tree_number varchar 5 null

The original registration number given to a Parent Tree in conjunction with a Species Code.

amount_of_material int4 10 null

The amount of Parent Tree material used for calculating the proportion of mix. Usually a volume recorded in mL.

proportion numeric 20,10 null

The proportion of each Parent Tree material used for calculating SMP mix.

entry_userid varchar 30 null

The userid of the individual that entered the SMP mix.

entry_timestamp timestamp 29,6 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

The time and date a SMP mix was entered onto the system.

update_userid varchar 30 null

The userid of the individual that changed the SMP mix.

update_timestamp timestamp 29,6 CURRENT_TIMESTAMP

The time and date a SMP mix was last updated on the system.

revision_count int4 10 null

A counter used to ensure data integrity. This item should be incremented during each update.


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
smp_mix_pk Primary key Asc/Asc seedlot_number + parent_tree_id
